Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Motion capture page is currently down / broken

I've received several email messages letting me know that the motion capture page associated with cgspeed is down - this page is hosted within Google Site at http://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture   Since I haven't made any changes, my best guess is that Google has unilaterally made a change on its side without telling me.  Cleaning this up will take some time.  I'll adjust this message when the Motion Capture content is available again on Sites.

- Bruce


Unknown said...

Thanks for working on this! Been trying to check out the motions for a week or so.

Itamarizim said...

thank you for the motion capture files they are excellent and working big for my projects

Unknown said...

Hi Bruce,
Thanks for making these motion files available!
I noticed on file link is broken: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yimxdh2mnd1/cmuconvert-max-76-80.zip
That keeps triggering on mediafire the creation of a new download key, but then the downlaad fails, and it starts over again to generate a key.